Crochet Hooks
What crochet hooks should I buy?
Plastic vs. Metal, size 9, size 4.5, inline hook, tapered book....which one should I use?????
When crocheting selecting the hooks can help you in more ways than one. If you select the incorrect hook your product may not turn out as desired. Check out the articles below regarding the best hook for your product, hand size, and even wrist health.
In this forum I will use this opporunity to share my knowledge regarding crochet. When I started crocheting I had to research which equipment was needed and which one was best for the job. I ended up purching things I probably really did not need and try trail and error learning which one I liked best. I want to save people from this part of crocheting by sharing with new and experienced crocheters. I hope you find this website as a one stop shop for her crocheting needs.
Topic List
Basic Stitches
Metal vs Plastic Crochet Hooks